- January 30, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Intellectual Property
Trademark Licenses & Assignments
In Tanzania and Zanzibar, registered trademark owners can assign their trademark rights either (i) in their entirety, or (ii) with respect to only certain goods or services. All assignments must be recorded with the Trademark Office. Trademark owners grant licenses in Tanzania as well, with licenses similarly being subject to mandatory recording. We represent existing trademark registrants as well as assignees and licensees (called “registered users”) in all aspects of trademark licensing and transfers.
Trademark Cancellation & Infringement
Trademark registrations are subject to cancellation under a number of different circumstances. In Tanzania, these include non-use, loss of distinctiveness, fraud and violating the conditions for registration. Any other trademark owner who is adversely affected by an improper registration can petition the Trademark Office for cancellation.
Infringement involves the use of a mark that is identical or confusingly-similar to a registered trademark without the registrant’s consent. Registered trademark owners have a number of options for combating infringement, including filing for relief in the High Court of Tanzania.
Trademark Regional Protection
In addition to prosecuting trademark registration applications under the legislation of Tanzania and Zanzibar, we also represent trademark owners in seeking regional registrations with the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) and the Organisation Africaine de le Propiete Intellectuelle (OAPI). ARIPO and OAPI registrations offer protection in a number of important jurisdictions throughout Africa, including: