- December 29, 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: ABC Articles
First we should understand the meaning of a will before looking on the key point of a will.
A Will is a document which provides who is to receive your property at death, who will administer your estate, the appointment of trustees and guardians, if applicable, and other provisions.
Under Section 2 of the Probate and Administration of Estates Act states that “means the legal declaration of the intentions of a testator with respect to his property, which he desires to be carried into effect after his death.
Who can make a will?
A will can be made by a person who is above the age of majority with sound mind.
They following are the key element on drafting a will.
Identify your assets.
This is the key aspect when making a will. In this case the person making a will shall outline all of his property when making a will. Therefore by outlining the property it helps for a testator to know which property shall be administer to which trustee.
Knowing the executor of a will.
When making a will the testator should choose the person who will hold his properties as an executor. In this case having an executor of your property makes easy in administering the will. When making a Will you need to consider who will be named as your personal representative or executor to administer your estate, who you will name as guardian and trustee of minor children if your spouse does not survive you and who will receive your property. You should also consider tax issues.
Be careful in selecting guardians and trustees.
In this case it is very important to choose legal guardian who are loyal because they’re the ones who will administer the will. If your children are older and don’t require a trustee, it may be wise to suggest they seek out a financial planner.
Joint property with a spouse falls outside the will.
One type of ownership is joint property, often real estate and bank accounts shared by spouses. These wouldn’t be distributed by the terms of one person’s will; rather, they are passed to the surviving owner by operation of the law, High says. However, if an account is just under one person’s name, it’s passed through a will.
Language on making the will.
When making a will the language to be used should be simple known to the guardian and the executor of the will. Therefore ambiguous word should not being used when making a will.
A will is a dispute solver in the deceased properties to the family. Always have a will to maintain peace and harmony to the family when you are gone(dead).