What is a trademark? A trademark includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination, used, or intended to…
Aripo Patent Registration Allows for a single patent application to be effective across its designated members states The African Regional…
Basic Requirements for a Patent registration in Tanzania? In the Tanzania there are five elements of patent eligibility.: In order for…
Priority of patent registration in Tanzania As part of Tanzania, Zanzibar is a member of the Paris Convention. An application…
Tanzania Patent Registration Procedure Filing of patent in Tanzania The Non-convention, convention and PCT national phase applications are filed…
PATENT REGISTRATION IN TANZANIA (TANGANYIKA) What Is a Patent? A patent is a right granted to an inventor that permits…
PATENT REGISTRATION FOR START UPS IN TANZANIA What is a smart IP strategy for startups? For startups, knowing where to…
What is the process for Trademark Renewal in Tanzania? At the time of making the application for registration or renewing…
TRADEMARK REGISTRATION IN ZANZIBAR. Zanzibar Business and Property Registration Agency (BPRA) is a Government Institution based in Zanzibar responsible for the Trademark registry. In Zanzibar, trademark registration…
Copyright Plant Breeders. Protecting Plant Breeders’ IP Rights in Tanzania and Zanzibar Plant Breeders’ Rights Registration Process The…